
詹姆仕布朗特 JAMES BLUNT / 1973 
2007/9/4 華納發行

1973 一個不安於室的靈魂 跨越時空 注定相遇
震撼全球1千1百萬個靈魂的歌壇傳奇 2007年首支最新單曲


2005年以「You're Beautiful」寫下全球最受矚目的美麗音樂傳奇、締造1100萬張專輯銷售成績的全英音樂獎得主--上尉詩人 詹姆仕布朗特,2007年首支全新單曲「1973」,以層次分明、輕鬆愉悅的旋律邀你重溫舊日美好時光!

Simona You're getting older Your journey's been Etched on your skin
Simona Wish I had known that We seemed so strong Has been there and gone
I will call you up every Saturday night
And we both stayed out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by I will always be In a club with you In 1973
singing "Here we go again"
Simona Wish I was sober So I could see clearly now The rain has gone
Simona I guess it's over My memory plays our tune The same old song
I will call you up every Saturday night
And we both stayed out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by I will always be In a club with you In 1973
singing "Here we go again"
I will call you up every Saturday night
And we both stayed out 'til the morning light
And we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by I will always be In a club with you In 1973
singing "Here we go again"
I will call you up every Saturday night
And we both stayed out 'til the morning lightAnd we sang, "Here we go again"
And though time goes by I will always be In a club with you In 1973
singing "Here we go again"
And though time goes by I will always be In a club with you In 1973

英國「上尉詩人」詹姆仕布朗特James Blunt不懼「第二魔咒」,他的新作發行前,首張專輯『不安於室』(Back To Bedlam),在日前超越女歌手蒂朵(Dido)的『No Angel』專輯,成為跨入千禧年後最暢銷的英國專輯。
他的首張專輯拜『美麗的你』(You’re Beautiful)這首歌感染力十足的超級暢銷金曲之賜,光是在英國就已銷售超過三百零二萬張,全世界更是狂賣一千一百萬張。他也因此榮獲五項葛萊美獎提名,並得到兩座全英音樂獎肯定。

他的新歌取名『1973』,很有七O年代在電台大受歡迎的音樂況味,他自己認為有些佛利伍麥克合唱團(Fleetwood Mac)的味道,但他先賣關子不說取這名稱的原因,引起樂迷在網站的廣泛討論,他們「發夢」出的原因也各式各樣。由於他在1974年出生,有感性派的人指出,取名1973可能是紀念他的父母相愛,在這一年有了他這個愛的結晶。而「哲學派」的人則有另一套抽象的論調,這是他出生前對於「未來」世界的想像。
他的新專輯『All The Lost Souls』以現場表演方式錄製,並採取七O年代錄音方式營造出復古感覺。收錄的十首歌曲彼此之間都有著關聯性,講述著一個故事,並呈現七O年代搖滾風。



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